Friday, July 17, 2009

I Believe

I Believe

..the Bible is the Word of God.

..Jesus is Who He says He is

..Jesus is the only way to God

..Jesus will judge the world

..Jesus is the Truth

..Jesus says if we love Him, we will obey Him

1 comment:

Briefcase said...

C. S. Lewis put it so clearly when he said that since Jesus said he is the Son of God, we have only three alternatives for what to believe: 1. He's the Son of God, 2: He's a liar, or 3. He's a lunatic. If he's the son of God, we need to fall down and worship him. If he's a liar or a lunatic, we need to understand that he's irrelevant, not a great teacher or philosopher or cult leader. So if you go to a church, remember you're in the presence of God, or don't go at all.

Well, towards the end that was a very approximate quote; it's too long ago that I read Mere Christianity.