Wednesday, February 16, 2011

We Know

Consider how easy it is to say grass grows.  Though there is unimaginable complexity contained in those two words, most people would say they know what it means, and they do.  But the best and brightest mind this planet can produce would not be able to entertain the full extent of the time, space, or facts these words imply and encompass.  As vast as the universe is, we are always finding it to be bigger and different than we thought.  We define its boundaries by our vision and perception, which change.

It is with that same vision and perception we attempt to explain God.  A changing God only reflects our collective and individual journey, for He says He is changeless and eternal.

In the same way we know grass grows, we can say we know God.  We may not be able to explain or understand everything there is to know about either subject, but it is still possible to say we know, and we do.  His Spirit confirms this to be so.

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