Tuesday, May 31, 2011


I can't find anything in the Bible that supports the idea of denominations and divisions of the church. The defining essence in Revelation are those who give witness to the word of God and the witness of Jesus Christ.

There is one body, one Spirit, and one God.
Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

It might be argued that anything different or added to the gospel as revealed by the word of God and the witness of Jesus Christ reflects the traditions of men. Even the term denomination implies something derived.
Fragmentation, splintering, and dilution seems inevitable in this fallen world. But it is in this broken world that God calls out, offering mercy and grace. It is The Church that hears and answers. It happens or doesn't happen in the heart of each person. This is the alter of worship not made by the hands of man, but the spiritual worship sought by God, Who is Spirit, and defines those who walk in the kingdom. This is the temple of worship. It is present in many places, including denominations, but it relies on the presence of the Spirit alone.

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