Friday, October 31, 2008

Tools For Knowledge

We have all sorts of devices that help us experience our world beyond our natural limitations. Some examples include: binoculars, telescopes, microscopes, hearing aids, vehicles, computers, rockets, communication devices, etc... They augment our abilities to go beyond our base view of existence. Things that would not be ordinarily perceived are now taken for granted. As more strides are made in the technological advance of these devices, the appearance of new technologies, and the resulting leaps in science, we see our thinking and understanding change. This takes place everyday. What was considered to be correct yesterday is likely to be obsolete today. All these things allow pursuit of the natural.

The Bible serves a similar purpose, except the area of exploration is spiritual and the truths it contains do not diminish or change over time. Just as we are unable to peer into the universe with unaided eye, we are unable to learn the things of God on our own. When the Holy Spirit opens our eyes and hearts to the message of the Bible, the kingdom of God is revealed. We go beyond all the marvelous things that were created to the Creator Himself. God has given us all we need.


Breathing Room For My Soul said...

I really like the comparison of technology and the Word. Good word pictures for my soul. dho

Breathing Room For My Soul said...

I really like the comparison of technology and the Word. Good word pictures for my soul. dho