Genesis 2:4 (ESV Strong's)
These are the generations
of the heavens and the earth when they were created,
in the day that the LORD God made the earth and the heavens.
God chose a man made from dust to prepare the way for the coming light of the world. He breathed the breath of life into Adam and placed him in the garden of His presence.
The gospel of Luke traces the bloodline of Jesus all the way back to Adam. He is the first man whose descendants would become lsrael, the chosen people of God.
The “generations of the heavens and the earth” began with Adam and find fulfillment in the body of Christ. They are the people through whom the light of the world would come.
Through Israel would come a man, “the second Adam”, who is the light of the world and who is working in the earth of man and will accomplish the will of God.