Monday, March 26, 2018

In The Beginning - Revelation 22:13

In The Beginning 

God has no beginning or end, so Scripture is about the beginning of man in the image of God. 

Revelation 22:13 ESV 

I am the Alpha and the Omega, the first and the last, the beginning and the end.”

When Jesus says He is the beginning and the end, He is talking about the beginning and end of man. This takes place in the framework of time, a fundamental element of creation. Time did not exist before creation and this might be understood as the everlasting present, to which God implies when He says “I AM!” 

The creation account in Genesis portrays the intent of God for man. From the darkness of our beginning, He fashions man into the image of God, who is the light of life. 

When the light of God comes to man, time alters for the man or woman being made in His image. We begin a journey to fully enter the eternal life of God. 

Jesus as the light of the world became the first man of this new creation. He showed us what God is doing by arriving as a newborn son of man and leaving the earth for heaven as the Son of God. This is exactly the destiny of man and the way we are to go. 

It is in His image we become as He takes our image for Himself. The two become one. This is the creation story of man from beginning to end. It is a summary of all that happens from there to the end of Revelation. 

In the end we reach the rest of God that will never end. 

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