Wednesday, June 10, 2009

The Invitation

Notice in the Scripture from yesterday who was invited to Pharisee’s house and who was not. The decision of who would or would not be invited was based on the judgment of Simon. The true nature of that judgment would be exposed, revealed in the light of truth.

Simon had his own agenda in mind when he invited Jesus. The invitation was extended, but on his terms. He did not see Jesus as the Savior. He did not know Who it was that reclined at his table. Like the Samaritan woman at who offered the Lord water from the well, he did not perceive the man before him was He Who offers the living water of life.

Blindness is at the root of Simon poor judgment. He could not see the glory of the Son of Man Who graced His house. He certainly did not see the glory of the woman as a child of God. He could even see himself properly, his image disfigured by the mirror of his pride and nature. It is that very blindness that Jesus came to heal.

Jesus sees us all the same way. We are all sinners in need of grace. We are all worthy of His sacrifice and redemption. His love is there of each of us. When He looks at us He does see only the exterior flesh and its failings, but the wondrous being we are meant to be.

For this reason, we should close our doors to no one. It is not ours to judge but to be stewards of God’s grace, to ourselves and to others. His invitation is to all. So should ours.

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