Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Old Story, Same Question

The account of Cain and Able foreshadows of the slaying of Jesus. Cain, the older brother, does not obey and please the Lord with his offerings. Able, the younger brother, does obey and please the Lord. In anger and resentment, Cain kills Able.

God chose Israel, the nation, as His Son. He told them how to live and what was necessary for life. They were to show the world the glory of God. They did not follow the way of the Lord.

God sent His Son Jesus to Israel. Jesus did obey and told Israel what was needed for life, speaking the very words of God. This angered the leadership. This was an affront to their authority and pride. They plotted and killed Jesus.

But Jesus rose from the grave by the grace and power of God to bring true life to all. What man meant for evil God used to save the world.

God told Cain that he would be accepted if he would do right. Jesus tells us the same thing, giving us the power and grace for salvation. All we have to do is say yes and follow Him. We know what Cain did. What are you going to do?

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