Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Blessed Are The Meek

Matthew 5:5 "Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth.


Meek does not mean weak in the earthly sense.  This meekness is from one who understands that in the sight of God we have no room to boast.  It is only in His grace and love that we find our true worth.  While some may perceive this as weakness, this meekness is a sign of the peace and love from within that we are able to share with others. We become children of God, heirs to all His blessings.  A restored earth is part of that heritage and reward.  

Those that are not meek, who glory in their own exploits and abilities, which care not for the things of God and seek their own way, are like a wisp of smoke in the wind.  The arrogant are like a passing noise that is soon forgotten.  Our best efforts are like a parade of children in a moment of play.  Anyone who takes advantage of another rather than sharing the love of God will find that anything gained will be lost in the end.  The meek are strong in Christ, yet it is in our understanding of our weakness that His strength is found. Gentleness, kindness, self-control, and patience reflect a better way. 

The meek are blessed by God and all things will be given to them.  It has already been accomplished.

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