Wednesday, August 10, 2022

The Stone

Psalms 118:22-24 (ESV)

22 The stone that the builders rejected

has become the cornerstone.

23 This is the LORD'S doing;

it is marvelous in our eyes.

24 This is the day that the LORD has made;

let us rejoice and be glad in it.

Jesus is the cornerstone of the new temple which is and will be the dwelling place of the Lord. Those who persevere in their walk with the Lord will become a stone in that temple with a new name only known by them. Rev 2:17) They will receive the name of the Father and the new name of Christ the King. (Rev 3:12) These three names reflect the intimacy we have with the Holy Spirit and our union with the Father and Son. It is a marvelous thing He is doing. 

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