Revelation 1:12-16
Then I turned to see the voice that was speaking to me, and on turning I saw seven golden lampstands, and in the midst of the lampstands one like a son of man, clothed with a long robe and with a golden sash around his chest. The hairs of his head were white, like white wool, like snow. His eyes were like a flame of fire, his feet were like burnished bronze, refined in a furnace, and his voice was like the roar of many waters. In his right hand he held seven stars, from his mouth came a sharp two-edged sword, and his face was like the sun shining in full strength.
The lamp stands represent the Church and they are the light of the world. These correspond to the twelve torches before the throne of God. Jesus is in their midst because He is the source of the strong arm of the Lord. From His mouth comes the word of God and the Spirit of truth, which is able to divide bone from its marrow and reveal all things. His face is like the sun because He is the light of the world.
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