Monday, January 5, 2009

Pure In Heart

Matt 5:8 

8 "Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God.


 This is a frightening verse.  Who is pure in heart?  For those who have become aware of what lurks in the heart and how Godless our nature can be, this is a cause for despair.  

Take heart, for this discovery is the only way that leads to a pure heart.  It is only when we discover our poverty we are able to seek the riches of God.  Through faith in Christ we are given the Holy Spirit.  The presence of God comes into our heart.  The presence of God is pure.  That presence is saving and transforming.  Cold darkness gives way to warmth of His light. We become His children and are sealed for His return.  Because of what He has done and what He is doing, we will see Him.  We will know as we are known. We will be like Him.

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