Saturday, August 30, 2008

The Intrusion

I woke early this morning and turned on public radio. I listened to a BBC broadcast which was discussing the need for religion to help people deal with grief. I was struck by a phrase used which spoke of the "intrusion" of religion, like it was an unnecessary but hard to get past part of life. The key idea seemed to be the its usefulness to the individual for getting through a difficult time and therefore its merit.

It is sad to think there are some, if not many, who have this same view. They may not say it in so many words, but, as they say, actions speak louder that words. Behavior reflects belief. We do as we think. Our interest in religion and faith sometimes appears to rise and fall based on our needs. We turn to Him in times of trouble, but don't think much about Him when things are going well. This view reduces God to a tool for self-help.

The reality is that we can't get past God because He is God. Denying Him does not in any way diminish His existence. The person who does is diminished and is ultimately punished. The irony is that God alone can truly help. In Him alone are we able to find peace and life. He makes this possible through His "intrusion" in our little world.

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