Sunday, April 21, 2019

Their Full Inclusion

Romans 11:11-12 (ESV Strong

11 So I ask, did they stumble in order that they might fall? By no means! Rather through their trespass salvation has come to the Gentiles, so as to make Israel jealous. 12 Now if their trespass means riches for the world, and if their failure means riches for the Gentiles, how much more will their full inclusion mean!

The way of the salvation of the world came through the Jews. Israel has not been cast aside and forgotten. When Jesus returns, their eyes will opened and they will return to full inclusion in the kingdom of God. 

From the Gentiles will come the Bride of Christ and the temple of the new Jerusalem. The Bride will be part of the light of the world and Israel will be the twelve leaves on the tree of life that will be for the healing of the nations. 

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