Tuesday, July 19, 2011


Might it be that the Garden portion of God's revelation reveals that man was created as Adam, and out from from his body was Eve fashioned to help and provide companionship. That we were created to share in love and fellowship with our Creator. So was Israel chosen by God from all the people in the world to be His people, giving them His word that all men might live. Man fell, not relying on God's word. Eve did not help Adam, except to be forced to exit the Garden by their disobedience.

They were removed from His presence and clothed in animal skins.

Then God reached down to lift man back up to be with Him. He did so by clothing Himself in the animal skins of our humanity, into His very creation. From the very chosen nation which rejected God, comes the Son as a servant and helper for mankind, the promised seed for salvation.
From out of His own body, comes all who believe in God's word. They are restored to the presence of God in Christ. We find the help and companionship of God in the present and look forward to trading in these animal skins for the immortal existence which God intended. We have been set free for the freedom yet to come; unfettered life in unbounded love awaits.

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